Covid free with health safety protocols and certificates

In order to reassure and ensure safe service to our customers, in the face of Covid-19, MedRio Check-up has developed a series of actions in its two units:

1) Upon the client’s arrival at the clinic, we provide new masks, alcohol gel for hand hygiene, measure body temperature, perform oximetry and ask each patient if he/she presents or presented in the last 72 hours symptoms and signs that may be related to Covid-19.

2) In all our environments we make available bottles of alcohol gel for use by our physicians and customers.

3) We reinforce the cleaning of facilities, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces. All material used for exams is disposable.

4) Our entire team uses personal protective equipment.

5) All our employees have been vaccinated and are periodically tested.

6) We understand that the medical check-up is a tool to identify risk factors for health. In our daily lives, we have identified several post-covid-19 sequelae (physical and emotional).

7) In order to avoid displacements, all post-medical check-up medical appointments are performed remotely via Telemedicine, using the Google Meet tool.

8) Our clinics, after a long audit, were certified by the company Confiance Segurança Sanitaria and are in compliance with current regulations to face the pandemic. Certificates are found below.

schedule your checkup

schedule your checkup

Schedule your check-up with our specialists with extensive experience in preventive medicine, trained by the best medical schools in Brazil and abroad.

Schedule your check-up with our specialists with extensive experience in preventive medicine, trained by the best medical schools in Brazil and abroad.