Why Offer Check-ups to Your Executives

An inadequate lifestyle, combined with chronic stress, is the primary health risk factor for strategic professionals within a company. The well-being of executives is part of the company’s tangible assets. There is no reason to be surprised by advanced-stage health problems.

During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, most companies had to adopt remote work. Later, they opted for a hybrid system, leading employees across different sectors to face isolation, loneliness, sedentary behavior, poor sleep quality, and increased consumption of unhealthy foods, beverages, and other harmful substances. The rates of chronic physical and mental diseases increased during the pandemic and remain high. Today, the number of cases of anxiety, depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout, and panic syndrome is alarming, negatively impacting corporate health.

Employees increasingly seek quality of life and job satisfaction. Research shows that organizations investing in the well-being and disease prevention of their managers reduce costs related to claims, absenteeism, and turnover, while increasing productivity, motivation, safety, and executive satisfaction.

According to the recent Pulso RH survey, organizations that care about the physical and mental well-being of their employees report better employee engagement. Burnout-related complaints are also lower in these organizations, according to a survey conducted by Opinion Box with 1,000 people from various companies.

Studies in the United States show that for every $1 a company spends on preventing chronic diseases, it saves $7 on consultations and treatments for its employees.

A survey by Stanford University in the United States showed that 73% of deaths in metropolitan areas are due to inadequate lifestyle; genetic factors account for only 17%, and other causes, 10%. In Brazil, spending on treatment for hypertension, diabetes, and obesity—preventable conditions—reached R$ 3.45 billion in 2018 within the Unified Health System (SUS), according to a study published in the scientific journal Pan American Journal of Public Health. In total, 72% of these costs were for individuals aged 30 to 69.

Therefore, encouraging your strategic managers to adopt a healthy lifestyle and providing them with check-ups at Med-Rio are significant corporate health actions that benefit executives, the company, and society by strengthening the economy.

Innovative Concept with Physical and Emotional Approach

Med-Rio, a leader in preventive medicine for 33 years, has developed an innovative medical check-up concept that includes both physical and emotional evaluations, conducting exams across 12 specialties at a single location in just five hours, with results available within 24 business hours via a proprietary app. These results become part of the medical record and can be accessed by the client or their physician as needed.

The clinic boasts a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified specialists, including physicians certified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. The team includes university professors, department heads in reference hospitals, and professionals with master’s and doctoral degrees in their fields.

The medical equipment at Med-Rio’s two locations (Botafogo and Barra) is state-of-the-art, utilizing 5G technology. The clinic’s facilities provide complete comfort, safety, sanitary hygiene, and privacy. Med-Rio strictly adheres to ESG principles, has developed its own code of conduct, holds EcoVadis and ISO 9001:2015 certification (by the Norwegian company DNV), and has conducted medical check-ups for over 250,000 clients from 40 nationalities. Excellence, respect for clients, quality, and innovation are some of Med-Rio’s distinguishing features.

Post-Check-up Consultation / Individual Health Program


After the check-up, Med-Rio offers executives a follow-up consultation with one of our medical managers. During this consultation, clients receive their report results, based on scientific evidence, along with a confidential health program. This program, guided by a Med-Rio medical manager and lifestyle medicine resources, aims to help executives address their risk factors and avoid preventable health issues.

It is crucial for companies to ensure that their strategic professionals maintain good health, enabling them to achieve longevity with autonomy. This valuable asset helps the corporation thrive and endure. Med-Rio’s check-up, followed by the health promotion program, is a means to achieve this goal.

Improving the Corporate Environment


Based on the check-up reports of the examined executives, the Med-Rio team prepares a health profile for the HR and leadership of client companies. This confidential document provides information and suggestions to improve the quality of life for managers benefiting from the check-up. When effectively applied, this report promotes a positive organizational climate.


Commitment to Health Promotion

Med-Rio is dedicated to promoting the well-being of its clients. Annually, the clinic launches a campaign with a guide containing tips for achieving longevity with autonomy. Every month, Med-Rio hosts and broadcasts meetings with renowned specialists on its social media channels, encouraging physical and mental health care. The clinic also delivers corporate lectures. Additionally, through the “Saúde é Prevenção” blog, it keeps readers well-informed and updated on how to improve their quality of life.

Corporate Lectures

Our doctors are references in executive health. We also organize conferences, lectures, and “lives” for your company’s executives on prevention and health promotion with the following topics:

  • “Prevention is Better than Cure”
  • “The Health of the Modern Woman”
  • “The Importance of Early Diagnosis”
  • “Mental Health in Pandemic Times”
  • “Pandemic and Prevention”
  • “Home Office and Prevention”

These lectures will be delivered by our directors, Dr. Gilberto Ururahy and Dr. Galileu Assis, who have extensive experience in Preventive Medicine and are authors of several books, including:

  • “How to Become a Good Stressed Person,” published in 1997 by Salamandra Publishing,
  • “The Emotional Brain,” published by Rocco in 2005,
  • “Emotions and Health – Another Look at Prevention,” published in 2015 by Rocco,
  • “Health is Prevention” – Rocco, in 2022.

schedule your checkup

schedule your checkup

Schedule your check-up with our specialists with extensive experience in preventive medicine, trained by the best medical schools in Brazil and abroad.

Schedule your check-up with our specialists with extensive experience in preventive medicine, trained by the best medical schools in Brazil and abroad.